SciLifeLab Fellow Lucie Delemotte new member of the Young Academy of Sweden
SciLifeLab Fellow Lucie Delemotte, Associate Professor of Biophysics at the Department of Applied Physics (KTH), is one of eight new members welcomed to the Young Academy of Sweden this year.
The Young Academy is an independent forum for young, leading researchers from all research areas. The membership period is limited to five years, which keeps the academy forever young.
“I am excited for the opportunity to represent foreign researchers in the Young Academy of Sweden, and to influence issues such as how we evaluate researchers and how this can be done in a way to make academia more inclusive”, says Lucie Delemotte.
The other new members of the academy are Linda Andersson Burnett (UU), Shervin Bagheri (KTH), Ellen Bushell (UmU), Sara Liin (LiU), Sofia Lodén (SU), Mathias Osvath (LU) and Johan Zelano (SUH/GU).
“The Young Academy of Sweden is a interdisciplinary academy for a selection of the most prominent, younger researchers in Sweden. The Academy is an independent platform that provides younger researchers with a strong voice in the science policy debate and that promotes science and research, often focusing on children and young adults. In the Academy young researchers meet across institutional and disciplinary borders to discuss research and research related topics. The Young Academy of Sweden was formed at the initiative of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 2011 and has about 35 members”.
Read the press release here.
Photo: Niklas Norberg Wirtén