1. Events
  2. Organizers
  3. Rui Benfeitas, SciLifeLab/Stockholm University

Data-driven approaches towards studying context-specific cell signalling

Evangelia Petsalaki, Group Leader EMBL/EBI, United Kingdom When: April 21, 13:15 Zoom: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/68215564760 Host: Rui Benfeitas, Stockholm University Abstract Our group aims to understand and describe the organisation principles of cell signalling that allow the diverse and context-specific cell responses and phenotypes.It is well established that signalling responses happen through complex networks. However, most signalling research […]

Rui Benfeitas, SciLifeLab/Stockholm University
Virtual Event Virtual Event

The evolution of human Genome Scale Metabolic models

Jonathan Robinson, Scientific Data Developer Bioinnovation Institute, Denmark When: April 22, 15:00 Zoom: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/68215564760 Host: Rui Benfeitas, Stockholm University Abstract Metabolism provides the energy and building blocks necessary to support life, but the complexity of the metabolic network presents a challenge when trying to determine how changes to one component affects the system as a whole. […]

Rui Benfeitas, SciLifeLab/Stockholm University
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Systems biology approaches for translational cancer research

Francesco Gatto, CSO Elypta, Sweden When: April 23, 11:00  Zoom: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/68215564760 Host: Rui Benfeitas, Stockholm University Abstract In this seminar, I will illustrate how we investigated regulation of cancer metabolism using systems biology approaches and leading to the discovery of potential disease biomarkers. The talk will further focus on the challenge to translate fundamental discoveries in […]

Rui Benfeitas, SciLifeLab/Stockholm University
Virtual Event Virtual Event

The open source ecosystem for genome-scale metabolic models

Mihail Anton, National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden When: April 23, 13:10  Zoom link to the seminar: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/68215564760 Host: Rui Benfeitas, Stockholm University Abstract As science is advancing towards full reproducibility, the ecosystem of tools and resources for genome-scale metabolic modelling is increasingly open-source. The talk will showcase how Metabolic Atlas is contributing to this ecosystem by integrating […]

Rui Benfeitas, SciLifeLab/Stockholm University
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Last updated: 2021-04-14

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(david.gotthold@scilifelab.se)