OligoNova Hub – National resource for development of oligonucleotide therapies
Pär Matsson, OligoNova Hub
SciLifeLab is a national infrastructure within life science with a wide range of advanced technology and expertise. The newly started SciLifeLab site in Gothenburg includes units at both the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology and has a strong connection to Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
Pär Matsson, OligoNova Hub
Otto Savolainen, SciLifeLab Metabolomics platform
During this seminar, Prof. Anders Ståhlberg, Professor in Clinical Genomics at University of Gothenburg, will showcase the applications of ultrasensitive and digital sequencing. Per Sikora, Co-Chair of the Informatics and and Infrastructure at Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS) as well as part of the GMS management group, will give us an update of the GMS working […]
The aim is to establish proof-of-concept for life science research with expressed (pre-)clinical relevance. This will be achieved by forming a closed loop from biomedical research question (initiated by pre-clinical researchers) to returning actionable biological results, in terms of mechanisms and potential biomarkers and targets. In this open hearing we would like to identify preclinical […]
This event is a kick-off for the national SciLIfeLab site in Gothenburg. Learn more about the services and capabilities that are offered from SciLifeLab, both nationally and locally, and how you can participate in the activities! The Gothenburg Site of SciLifeLab is happy to welcome the research community in Gothenburg and beyond to this kick-off. […]
Metabolites reflect the interaction between the gene cascade and surrounding exposures and are therefore essential components in all living organisms. Metabolites can be used to identify biomarkers of both health conditions and environmental exposures. The SciLifeLab Metabolomics platform offers a range of services, which will be presented during this talk, for researchers interested in metabolomics. […]
On-line seminar by Alastair Ross, Senior researcher/Metabolomics team lead at AgResearch, New Zealand. Arranged by Otto Savolainen, Head of Unit, Chalmers Mass Spectrometry Infrastructure (CMSI), Metabolomics Platform.
Join InfraLife & MAX IV to hear how MAX IV can be utilized for your Life Science needs with representatives from the InfraLife project, the MAX IV Industrial Relations Office and MAX IV Beamline Scientist.
Welcome to a seminar on the Clinical MS Facility, a national initiative for multi-omics precision medicine. Precision medicine represents a paradigm shift in medical research, necessitating the inclusion of multiomics to drive development. Therefore, the Clinical MS Facility was initiated—an effort funded by the Swedish Research Council and planned to be integrated with SciLifeLab. Six […]
SciLifeLab Gothenburg invites you to a hands-on workshop during two days led by PD Dr. Daniel Mertens, who is a biochemist and group leader at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and at the University of Ulm. He is both a successfull scientist, with more than 100 publications within life science that have been cited […]
SiMSen-Seq is a core techonology that offers digital resolution with close to error-free sequencing and minimal quantification biases. This approach is flexible and easy to adapt to a wide range of applications, such as detection of circulating tumor-DNA in essentially any tumor entity, immune repertoire profiling, and detection of environmental DNA. The technology was invented […]
The advanced course in Metabolic Engineering & Systems Biology (MESB) is organized by the Systems and Synthetic Biology division at Chalmers University of Technology, and is intended for PhD students, postdocs, academic and industrial researchers that are interested in computational aspects of metabolic engineering. Aim & content The aim of the course is to provide participants with a strong primer […]
Last updated: 2023-02-09
Content Responsible: David Gotthold(david.gotthold@scilifelab.se)