1. Events
  2. Organizers
  3. SciLifeLab Navet

Exhibition in Navet at BMC

This is a chance to receive information and updates from 20 of the leading life science companies.

SciLifeLab Navet
Navet, SciLifeLab Uppsala SciLifeLab Uppsala, BMC C11, Husargatan 3, Uppsala, Sweden

Exhibition in Navet at BMC

This is a chance to receive information and updates from 30 of the leading life science companies.

SciLifeLab Navet
Navet, SciLifeLab Uppsala SciLifeLab Uppsala, BMC C11, Husargatan 3, Uppsala, Sweden

Exhibition in Navet at BMC

This is a chance to receive information and updates from 30 of the leading life science companies.

SciLifeLab Navet
Navet, SciLifeLab Uppsala SciLifeLab Uppsala, BMC C11, Husargatan 3, Uppsala, Sweden

Exhibition in Navet at BMC

This is a chance to receive information and updates from 30 of the leading life science companies.

SciLifeLab Navet
Navet, SciLifeLab Uppsala SciLifeLab Uppsala, BMC C11, Husargatan 3, Uppsala, Sweden

Last updated: 2023-03-13

Content Responsible: Maria Bäckström(maria.backstrom@scilifelab.uu.se)