Community news

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Community news

  • Event call 2025 open

    SciLifeLab infrastructure and SciLifeLab Group leaders are invited to apply for financial support for a SciLifeLab event in 2025 SciLifeLab’s overall mission is to enable life science research in Sweden […]


  • Thank You Anders Olsson

    Anders Olsson, an institution at SciLifeLab in Solna, and head of the The Protein Expression and Characterisations unit at Gamma 5, is retiring. Friends, fans and colleagues gathered at a […]


  • PRAO på SciLifeLab

    Science for Life Laboratory är ett forskningssamarbete mellan flera olika universitet (SU, KI, KTH, UU m.fl.) som stöttar och bidrar på olika sätt med både resurser och kunskap. Deras vision […]


  • Event call 2024 open

    SciLifeLab infrastructure and SciLifeLab Group leaders are invited to apply for financial support for a SciLifeLab event in 2024 The overall mission for SciLifeLab is to enable life science research in Sweden […]


  • Scientific research through an artist’s lens – first meeting

    Connecting artists and scientists at the Royal Institute of Art and SciLifeLab The collaboration is initiated; on February 6th researchers from SciLifeLab and artists from the Royal Institute of Art (KKH) […]


  • Scientific research through an artist’s lens

    Connecting artists and scientists at the Royal Institute of Art and SciLifeLab Do you see the potential for artistic exploration in your research? This is an opportunity to have an artist interpret […]


Last updated: 2023-04-03

Content Responsible: victor kuismin(